~Donna Sheppard, October, 2016

– Carrie zu Putlitz, October, 2016
June 9, 2017
~ Dr. Mark Fromberg, January, 2016
June 9, 2017

~Donna Sheppard, October, 2016

The photos Bonnie took, when I first viewed them, were absolutely mesmerizing. Talk about an out-of-body experience!. They revealed a side of me I haven’t met or consciously thought about for years (I’m 72). Instead of preparing myself to cringe or feel embarrassed, I saw the woman I secretly have always wanted to see… poised, radiant, beautiful… I was 100% satisfied with my purchase and cannot wait to pick up the rest of my package (I already have my phone app, which is awesome!) Thanks Bonnie, you’re the best.”